Volodymyr Shynkar
Company: AppRecode
Stream: С
Time: 12:00 - 12:45
Country: Ukraine
Language: English
Talk: Write your Helm charts as a professional. Design templates and inheritance. Best practices for K8S releases.
About the Speaker
I’m an experienced DevOps engineer who chose another professional path. I always was focused on sharing knowledge with colleagues which later became something bigger than just sharing. Bigger enough to share knowledge with a passion with the whole DevOps community.
Talk: Write your Helm charts as a professional. Design templates and inheritance. Best practices for K8S releases.
Helm is a new templating tool for your applications. As with any other tool, it has thicks and hacks that you probably heard, but haven’t actually tried. In this lesson, we will review some of those approaches and also pass through different ways of deploying project workloads to the Kubernetes cluster.